Jaguar Gr.1 French/British low altitude ground attack aircraft. The French and British air forces each bought around 200, the Jaguar also did well in the export market. The Jaguar is a small plane in relation to a small high-wing monoplane, giving a smooth 'ride' at low altitude. It's not very complicated, yet versatile and effective upgrade programs are now expanding their capabilities. The British versions are the S attack aircraft (Jaguar GR) and B two-seat trainer (Jaguar T). The jaguar is the version of the French attack, and the E the French two-seat trainer. The Jaguar M shipboard attack aircraft was canceled. The Jaguar International is the export version, but construction license in India.

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» Jaguar GR.1 Low-altitude Ground Attack Aircraf
Jaguar GR.1 Low-altitude Ground Attack Aircraf
British Aircraft