MiG-25 Foxbat Interceptor Aircraft

MiG-25 Foxbat Interceptor AircraftMiG-25 Foxbat Interceptor AircraftMiG-25 Foxbat Interceptor Aircraft Photos

The MiG-25 Foxbat is a high altitude interceptor aircraft. There are several versions of this aircraft: A - basic interceptor; B - recognition, C - Two-seat trainer; D - reconnaissance with a modified radar and E. The Foxbat A aircraft, originally designed to address high-altitude threats, has become Foxbat E, providing a limited number of low-altitude look down and demolition of the capabilities of something comparable to the MiG-23 Flogger. The wings are mounted high, swept back and tapered with square tips. The aircraft has two turbojet engines and large rectangular air intakes below the deck and in front of the wing roots. There are dual exhaust. The fuselage is long and thin, solid nose, he said. The plane is like a box of air intakes to rear section. It has a bubble canopy. In the twin sweptback tail and fins angular with sharp points. Floors are medium to low mounted in the fuselage, swept, and of sharp angular.

The MiG-25 was capable of exceptional performance, including a maximum speed of Mach 3.0 and 90,000 feet ceiling (27,000 m), although a specially modified MIG-25 in 1977 flew to an altitude of 123,524 feet (37,650 m ) in 1977. Some believed that the MiG-25 was designed against the SR-71 Blackbird, made to prevent, or at least threaten the high, high-speed aircraft. However, its maneuverability, range and potential of combat were extremely limited. Even their speed was a problem: although the available thrust was sufficient to reach Mach 3.2, a Mach 2.83 limit had to be imposed to prevent the destruction of the engines (at these speeds the engine started to behave like a ramjet). Even Mach 2.83 was difficult to reach without overspeeding the turbines. The maneuverability of the Mig-25 (maximum acceleration, g load rating was only 2.2 g, with full fuel tanks, with an absolute limit of 4. 5 g) has often been exaggerated by observers Westerners, as under the same performance parameters, the SR-71 is even more restrictive stress limitations.

The maximum speed ever observed by a MiG-25 was Mach 3.2 recorded by a U.S. radar during a flight over Israel in 1973. The Soviet pilot was conducting a reconnaissance mission over the nation when Israel was threatened by surface-to-air missiles. The pilot was in full afterburner and pushed the MiG-25 as fast as he could to return to the safety of an Egyptian airfield. Although the MiG-25 survived the flight, the engines were completely destroyed and had to be replaced.