SU-24M Fencer Strike Attack Aircraft

SU-24M Fencer Strike Attack AircraftSU-24M Fencer Strike Attack AircraftSU-24M Fencer Strike Attack Aircraft photos

The Su-24M is manufactured by the company Sukhoi Design Bureau Joint Stock, based in Moscow, Novosibirsk and Aircraft Production Association, Novosibirsk, Russia. The Su-24M entered service in 1983 and is a development of the Su-24, known as "Fencer" the NATO codename.

The SU-24M Fencer Strike Attack Aircraft is designed to penetrate enemy territory and destroy ground targets and the surface in any weather, day and night. The Su-24 variants have also been designed for reconnaissance and electronic measures.

400 Russian Air Force Su-24M are updated with the M2 standard navigation and weapons systems to allow the release of new versions of the Kh-29 and other projectiles. Improvements include a new SV-24 computer, liquid crystal displays, ILS-31 Head-Up Display, Digital motion map and global positioning system. The Su-24 will be replaced in the Russian service of the Air Force Su-35, from 2010.