A-5 Vigilante Supersonic Attack Aircraft

A-5 Vigilante Supersonic Attack AircraftA-5 Vigilante Supersonic Attack AircraftA-5 Vigilante Supersonic Attack AircraftA-5 Vigilante Supersonic Attack Aircraft Photos

The A-5 Vigilante was a magnificent aircraft. That has been optimized for low-level attacks at supersonic speed, and was one of the largest aircraft ever operated a company. Of the 63 variants bomber built, all ten were converted to RA-5C Reconn. variations in the end.

The first prototype, the Vigilante YA3J-1, the first conference May 16, 1958 with its first flight on August 31, 1958. It was powered by two General Electric YJ79-GE-twin engines. The first production aircraft flew A3J-1 Vigilante later, in 1960. These aircraft were equipped with more powerful J-79 engines, leading to the J-79-GE-8 engine that had 16,500 pounds (7480 kilograms) of thrust.

A3J attack variant-2, later known as the A-5B, and the RA-5C Reconn. variant was later built. In total, 156 Vigilantes were built between the prototypes, one of which still stands on display at the Museum of Naval Aviation (Pensacola, Florida).